GOD DOES MORE WHEN WE ARE FLEXIBLE- A few weeks ago I was on the treadmill afterhours thinking of the forecasted busy schedule that I was ahead of me in the first half of the year. I realized that in order to be effective and accomplish all goals successfully, I needed to adjust some things including routines. It was at that moment that a Thought came and said, “you can do more if you are flexible”. Then the next Thought said “God does more with you when you are flexible”. Praise God for the Holy Spirit. God talks to each of us uniquely. One of the ways the Holy Spirit speaks to me is through my thought process. God speaks at all times; on this day He spoke to me while on the treadmill; the topic for this blog was birthed!
So the whole evening I reflected on “Flexibility” in by relationship with God. Then I was reminded of Abraham and Noah, who were given the vision of what God wanted, and they remained flexible and just followed what God directed them to do. Both Abraham and Noah reaped more and to date we are enjoying their fruits of flexibility. Through Jesus Christ we are now partakers of the Abrahamic inheritance. By sign of the rainbow which was given to Noah, God affirms every time we see the rainbow that He will no longer wipe out the earth with heavy floods; the fruits of flexibility.

Flexibility is an attitude of total surrender, when we submit to God as our potter, to conform and shape us into what He wants us to be. Once conformable, God in turn uses various ways including tests, adversity, chastening and blessings to mold us into His image. So do not be quick to want to cop-out of an adversity or test because it could be that God is using that situation to bold and shape you. Instead, remain open and flexible. Let His hands work on you, that you may be shaped and molded to a usable vessel.

I realized that flexibility and obedience are key to increase in the knowledge and fullness of God. I also think flexibility is a test; where God commands that e change our routines, can ne change right away and follow His direction, or will we remain stuck in our ways.

God is the potter and we are the clay, Isaiah 64.8. Recall, clay is flexible. In fact, its consistency has some viscosity that makes in pliable, conformable and shapeable to whatever thing the Potter wants. The final outcome is normally something beautiful; often a vessel to contain something or a decorative décor. This is our God. Repent, renounce and let go of the rigidity. Embrace the freedom in Christ. Our walk as Christians is no longer by works, or our own. Our walk rather is by faith, and by the Holy Spirit. This week purpose to be flexible and expect to receive more from God. Be encouraged, God is Faithful and Dependable.

– Pauline