Often when things do not go our way the first person we have been programmed to blame is satan. These apply mostly to daily activities such as missing bus, misplacing your car keys, leaving the house late, an unexpected detour on your way to work or the garbage truck in front you are stopping at every house on a one lane street. We often equate delays with satan, but no so, no more. Stop crediting satan, GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL. CREDIT GOD.

Job 41:1-4 Can you pull in Leviathan with a fishhook or tie down its tongue with a rope? Can you put a cord through its nose or pierce its jaw with a hook? Will it keep begging you for mercy? Will it speak to you with gentle words? Will it make an agreement with you for you to take it as your slave for life?

These Scriptures are God Himself describing Himself and His power to Job. Can you see God holding satan with a fishing rode and satan begging for mercy? As I read these Scriptures I thought, maybe this is what Jesus did at Hid death and resurrection. May be this is the explanation “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Colossian 2:15! Jesus is in Control.

Have you ever left your house late, just to hear on the news that there was a bad accident that occurred on the same road you would have used right around the time you were looking for the misplaced keys in your house?
God is still in control and He still controls the universe, the skies, the atmospheres and the seas. All things were created by Jesus and for Jesus! Consider these; that mishap may not be necessarily satan, but rather God’s divine protection and preservation for the perfect timing!

On the other hand, God may want you to start exercising the authority He gave you in Christ Jesus. The demands action, we must declare the opposite. So instead of constantly crediting satan for every negative experience, declare God’s promise concerning the area. Speak life! Prophesy the Word of God to your situation. Ask the Holy Spirit, He is always there to assist us. Yes, the Holy Spirit will locate the car keys by retracing your steps to where you placed them.

You empower whom you focus on. Satan loves when he is credited. Whenever it is done or spoken, it authorizes him to go into action. There are things we may have granted satan permission to act on! So, if you say your car will break soon, yes it will break down! Watch your words!

If all that someone keeps seeing are demons, something is wrong! Question their source, especially if the person(s) calls that a spiritual gift. I almost did once. I was so close to asking the person “do you ever see God’s Angels?” Let us pray for increased discernment to ascertain true spiritual gifts from divination and sorcery in the present Church (amongst believers)

If you have time this week, read the Bible, Job chapter 36 to chapter 42. In Chapters 36 and 37; you see the character and attributes of God. Elihu, Job’s friend describes them. In Job Chapter 38 to Chapter 41, God Himself tells us His great power and how He exercises that power. It makes more sense that Psalms is written right after Job! In Job 42 , you will see the Lord’s see salvation, healing, deliverance, restoration and restitution ! This was how Jesus operated too! Guys God is greater! Oh how I love the Bible! I’m too excited about this I am dancing right now ! Please take time to read these chapters.

Let’s credit God this week. Jesus is King of the earth and all heavens. God is still in control!