Most parents savor this moment; the very first time their child takes the first step walk. In fact, some parents are saddened when this occurs in their absence. Other parents even video tape and save this occasion for future reference. And aww, you should see the joyous expressions of the parents when this happens. Priceless!

I believe God reacts in the same way when we take the first step towards our destinies and the plans He has for us. Whether it’s child or a calf, instinctly, they sense they should walk after being born. You see, this current life requires faith and obedience. God rarely shows us the end from the beginning, although that is His Name, but God sees the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). We see this with Moses and with Abraham. In addition to walking by faith, God made provision for them as they kept on walking.

God has already gifted you with what you need in life. You do not need to see the clear picture or perfect what God has given you to act. My encouragement to you this week is to use what you have and take the first step. As you step out, God will bring additional provision. He will protect and preserve everything that pertains you (Psalm 84:10-12, Psalm 85:10-13). You don’t have to get it perfect to step out. Apply that mustard seed faith, move and activate what is in you.

Matthew 17:20-He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Take the first step