They are the ones who gave us the first hand of support, the divine connections that God placed in our lives to set as towards our destinies. For me, it was Mr. D.M who paid my first rent after giving me a ride from work and as he dropped me off, he noticed I was living in my car. I did not know Mr. D.M; he was still a stranger, I only met him because I served him his filet sandwich order at McDonalds. I had just turned 20.

The first responders, they are the people God placed in our lives to support us, open doors and hold our hands as we crossed several bridges towards our purposes. They can be total strangers, classmates, co-workers, friends or family. They are the people God sends to support our visions. Sadly, I’ve also noticed that human beings have a tendency of forgetting and or despising those first responders after they (human beings) have been elevated and promoted by God OR if more qualified responders have come to support the next level of their journey.

LESSONS- As I pondered on these 2 weeks ago, I concluded to become like Apostle Paul
(1) God will place strategic people and resources along your path as you journey in the destiny He designed for you
(2) Help people with your eyes closed never expecting a return from humans, instead let God reward you, God rewards better anyways
(3) While helping (being the first responder), give 1000% for God sees the intents of your heart, BUT DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE — USED OR EXPLOITED
(4) Do not be weary in doing good, for in due time you shall reap.
(5) If the people you once helped have
​hurt you, betrayed or ​turned against you, first check your motives for helping them. Regardless of whether your motives were sincere of not, release them, forgive them, let God avenge, move on.
(7)Most importantly, never, never, ever, despise people who first helped you even if they turn to be something else later in life; at some point these same people were valuable to you.

Romans 12:10-Love one another warmly as Christians, and be eager to show respect for one another v18 Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody. Philippians 2:3-4 -. Don’t do anything from selfish ambition or from a cheap desire to boast, but be humble toward one another, always considering others better than yourselves.   And look out for one another’s interests, not just for your own. For God so loved the world….

Do you have any first responders in your life? This week pray for them. Give them a call, text them, send them a valuable gift. Remind them that you appreciate what they did for you.