All weekly blogs are personal experiences that I often have way before the day they are posted. Some though are very fresh like this one. Hope you will be encouraged through this one as well. Yesterday, I had such hectic day at work with demands coming from all ends; one of them involved dealing with a very challenging person. The person’s attitude was rude, unprofessional, angry etc., etc., blah, blah, blah.

Initially, I just wanted to “give it to them” in fact I even proposed submitting a compliant about the person’s behavior. The other issue though, is that I started developing “anticipation anxiety or strategies about how to deal with the person for the rest of the week. I allowed myself to strategize during the night, but every strategy was inconclusive. In fact the more I strategize, the more frustrated I got. I knew this would affect my prayer time and peace so I decided to submit it to prayer

As I prayed, God gave me the strategy, in fact He showed me that the person was hurting and that the person’s identity was wrapped up in their profession. That the best approach was to love and honor the person, with understanding that the person may not acknowledge the love or honor. 1 Corinthians 13 on Love, Galatians 5:22 on the Fruit of Spirit and Colossians 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone, gave me a totally new meaning to be being Light in darkness. Danny Silk’s book on A Culture of Honor also came to mind

As I compared the yesterday from today, I concluded that EVERY DAY IS A NEW DAY. We may strategize and anticipate the future but God in His love gives us grace to face each day afresh. We cannot take yesterday’s plans into today. God’s mercy and loving kindness are new every morning. We receive FRESH MANNA EACH DAY. DO NOT GO INTO A NEW DAY WITH THE OLD. Each day has its own special anointing

Lesson-Never let a person’s bad day ruin your day. You have the authority to dictate how to react to everything. Choose peace at all costs. Every new day is a day to start a fresh- BLOG BACK PLEASE