Lately there seems to be a lot to do. It seems that things are moving rapidly and with urgency. In any area of our callings, God continues to download more that requires our immediate obedience and action. It feels as though we are in a crash course of some sort this season and it behooves us to act on what is being released by God. In the midst of this, we still have to do life! Despite all, God has provided us the Helper, the Holy Spirit who empowers us to do more. So take courage, go on, the Holy Spirit is empowering us to accomplish all. This is why, we are
(a)Empowered through rejuvenation -The Holy Spirit is the breathe of life. Even in our weariness, His breath brings to life that which is feeble and weary. He resurrects dormant gifts and activates us to do more. Romans 8:11, John 5:21. In Him we are rejuvenated-in Him we live and move and have our being

(b)Empowered by new strength-As the Spirit of Power in whom we are filled in, Holy Spirit power births new strength. Matthew 3:11. Have you ever been tired, then prayed in Spirit and all over a sudden a new surge of energy rushed in? There are days I am physically tired. On such days my prayers have been, Holy Spirit help finish house chores today.

(c)Empowered through detoxification –This is the Spirit of Fire. Among His functions are burn off all toxins from us, purge and purify. This process can be painful, but hey, a good Father disciplines His children (Hebrews 12:6). It is from here too that we move from glory to glory; this in itself is another form of empowerment!

(d)Empowered through ongoing surrender and submission- I am not sure about you but it seems we are in a season of dying to self. A sister from church shared the same sediment a week ago stating, “It seems we are in season of pruning but at a different level”. Some of you may attest to this; we have been in a season of submitting and dying to our intellect! Our mind and reasoning have to align to the Spirit and with God. Faith, trust and obedience becomes our logic. Our spirits must align to the Spirit of God. Our minds must be transformed to the mind of Christ, set in heaven to detect our daily operations on earth. We are in a season of mind transformation that requires us to mentally, spiritually and emotionally align with heaven. And the bloggers said Amen!

(e)Empowered with Boldness-Acts 29-31-Is there an area you are timid to launch into? The Holy Spirit can empower you with courage and boldness to go forth!

(f)The Holy Spirit Empowers through REST. In fact, He does more in, with and for us when we rest in Him. Watch out for His hints to rest!

This week seek the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. He will rejuvenate you, strengthen you, purge off the dirt and help you align with heaven. Go forth in courage. Move on with BOLDNESS! Do not forget to REST!