So it was, from that time on, that half of my servants worked at construction, while the other half held the spears, the shields, the bows, and wore armor; and the leaders were behind all the house of Judah. Those who built on the wall, and those who carried burdens, loaded themselves so that with one hand they worked at construction, and with the other held a weapon. Every one of the builders had his sword girded at his side as he built. And the one who sounded the trumpet was beside me. Nehemiah 4:16-18

It is easy to be carried away or be overly involved in one aspect of life and forget the other parts. This is common when things are going well and there is no hint that anything could go wrong elsewhere. I recently learned that satan will target the least expected areas in life. The forgotten parts, the thing you are assured to be intact; that’s the place he will target. You may have heard of this phrase already;” that’s the last person I thought would do that “or I could not have imagined that it happened in that city or that office”

Destiny is all inclusive. While pursuing our goals, we must ensure to cover all areas with prayer and secure all entry points and weak areas by the help of the Holy Spirit. In Nehemiah 4, we see the plan that Nehemiah had, “we will build the wall, with one hand and the other is with a weapon. Nehemiah was very strategic in the execution of this vision, he placed people in entry areas (gates) and on the 4 corners of the wall. See Nehemiah chapter 3.

The weapons of our warfare are mighty in power. Our enemies though are not fellow human beings. Prayer, meditation on Scriptures, praise and worship and most important asking God to alert you and guide you are some of the weapons we can use. In prayer cover your family, job, children, school, neighborhood, business associates, house, your coworkers and everything connected to you. Watch out for repeated patterns as well; similar negative things that seem to surface and disappear from time to time or during some months of the year.

If you read further in Nehemiah, he encourages the people to build the wall geared for battle for the sake of their families, daughters and sons. Meaning destiny is for posterity. It involves all that pertains us.

The other added weapons are the authority we have Christ Jesus, The name of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus, the power, fire and glory of the Holy Spirit, Angels. This week, pursue your goals but cover all areas with prayer. Consider reaching out to trusted fellow believers or church family to pray for you also. Destiny is all inclusive and you have the upper hand!

p/s- There are many lessons in all chapters of Nehemiah. Consider reading all of them this week. Nehemiah is a short Book in the Bible.