Often deliverance is associated with demonic oppression and exorcism, yet in the entire chapter of Psalm 107 we see the various forms of deliverances that the Lord exercised among the Israelites and continues to do so today for each believer.

I could not help but reflect on my life and testify of key areas of my life that I experienced the Lord’s deliverance. Together this week, let’s reflect on those areas and join together in thanksgiving with declarations that “the Lord is good and His mercies endures forever”
Consider these highlights:
• Have you ever gone through something that left you so lost as though you’ve lost your mind? OR even concluded that if it were not for God, you could have gone crazy. Did you cry out to the Lord and He brought you to your senses guiding you in wisdom- if so, consider Psalm 107:4-6

• Have you ever waited so long for an answer; you thirsted and waited and after sometime God responded filling you with more than you expected? If so consider Psalm 107: 9

• Have you ever acted in rebellion, got mad at God, decided to do your own thing, but yet seeing the failing outcomes of your independence, you ran back to the Lord and He still bailed you out? If so consider Psalm 107:11-13

• Have you ever been through something the world and experts say is impossible and unsalvageable, yet an encounter with our Almighty reversed it because all things are possible with Him? If so consider Psalm 107: 15-16

• Have you ever compromised so much so that the consequences were dire? Your friends died from of the consequences of what you compromised on yet, you escaped without a scratch? If so consider Psalm 107:17-22

• Have you barraged with attack after attack, seeing no breakthrough in things , facing days when your business was dry, your plans were at a standstill, when you lost all hope yet suddenly, the Lord intervened , bringing favor and fruitfulness in your life. If so, consider Psalm 107: 23-43.

I am sure you can write your life story testifying of the many accounts of the Lord’s deliverance in your life just from reading Psalm 107. This week ponder on them. Take time to celebrate God’s many deliverances in your life.

Oh the Overwhelming Reckless Love of God…. (YouTube Cory Asbury-Reckless Love) Sing along as you celebrate your deliverance!