-A focused lifestyle can never be boring. In fact, most people dislike redundancy. Some of us in the workforce love that constant change in routine; not any one day is the same! Globally there is more emphasis on Diversity and being multifaceted in skills. In a believer’s journey though, such changes in routines may present as bumps and barricades.

Notice though that I did not label bumps and barricades challenges but rather “slight changes to routine” . I consider bumps something you need to go over, like the speed bump. Barricades are obstacles you need to remove to proceed.

Bumps- something you need to go over- as you pursue your goals or vision. You may hit some bumps. When you come to them, stay on the road, keep your focus, reduce your speed you cannot drive around them because they cover the whole length of the road. So, what should you do. Pray and ask God to give you the strength and wisdom to raise up above the bump and overcome. Once you’ve gone over it, recharge, hit the gas pedal and continue with journey focused on reaching your destination.

Bumps also come with speed limit restrictions. If you drive too fast you will wreck the car as you hit the bump. You may get a speeding ticket. A car symbolizes your career, calling, vocation or ministry. Advancing outside the timing of God will destroy you and or end or cause a delay. These would be the consequences of speeding. Don’t wreck your car, collaborate with God to synchronize with His timing

Life’s bumps come in so many forms. Are you approaching one or are you on top of one? OR are you currently wrapping up a bump ?Receive new strength. Be encouraged this week; thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.1 Corinthians 15:57

To be continued-Stay tuned for the next blog on BARRICADES