These are commonly used phrases that we said to one another. Often with these are used with the intent to really bless or just religiously as a greeting. This week let’s purposely bless!

As we reflect in our lives, this week, consider the many blessings you have. A composer said we should count them one by one. Let start by blessing the Lord. The prayer of worship is the most potent type of prayer; it draws God’s presence. Worship touches God’s heart, the heavens are alerted by worship; so, bless the Lord, oh my soul and all that is within us bless the Lord.

Blessings are not limited to material things, this week , bless someone with a smile, bless them with a greeting, Hi, good morning, bless them with a post-it sticker with a scriptural promise ; bless them with a positive word that encourages and assures them, bless someone with a hug; there are days that people need a good snuggly genuine hug, bless them with a kind word, bless them with a prayer or an encouraging song, bless someone by just being there to listen, sometimes that is all that is needed, listening, bless them with a welcoming gesture; do you know that body language speaks volumes? Bless the person who offended/offends you, I know this can be hard; rise past the offense and just bless. You don’t need to be with them to bless them. But just say ‘Lord, I’ve forgiven them and now I bless them too.

This week’s word is BLESS, Let’s not get tired of doing what is good, for at the right time we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9. Blessed are those who bless. The world we know that we are Christians by our love for one another John 13:35

Blessings; God bless you