Often people will question what they should in the period between the initial prayer and answer. Frankly this most challenging position and the most frustrating and dry period; especially if you have waited for so long. My encouragement to you this week is to stay consistent over this period.

100% of these blogs are from personal experience of what God is teaching and sharing with me. Most of these lessons take place when I am just up and about doing errands or while reflecting. This lesson was one of them, I was walking from one room to the next while I received this. That the best thing to do while waiting for the breakthrough, answer of promise is to stay consistent in faith;

Stay consistent in your daily devotion in reading the Bible and prayer-A perfect example were Zachariah and Elizabeth despite not having children, they stayed consistent serving the Lord “were both righteous in the sight of God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and requirements of the Lord.” (Luke 1:6)

Stay consistent in the assignment God has given you- King David reminds me of this commitment. That even after being anointed for the first time as king, he returned to do his initial assignment as a shepherd until the appointed time came. Continue to faithfully doing your assignment, continue to dream, expand and fine tune what God has given you, don’t hold back and don’t quit. Serve God fully in your current position.

Pursue God and Serve God in your capacity in want and in abundance- Apostle Paul reminds me of this when he says I know how to abound in lack and in abundance. Bill Johnson teaches on this too. In one of his books Bill wrote, pray and seek God just as much when things are ok, just as you would pray and seek God when things are bad; this really changed my perception of God and for ministry. To stay consistent at all time

Activate and Increase praise, worship and thanksgiving during this period- There are times that “warring in prayer stops”, petitioning stops, decreeing and declaring stops, prophesying stops, but Ohh the power of praise, worship and thanksgiving. This is the position king Jehoshaphat took 2 Chronicles 20; 22 Now when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon. (Please read whole chapter 2Chronicles 20)

You are being matured and prepared for the promise-Biblical accounts of Joseph and David remind us of this. Would you agree that both Joseph and David served in various capacities in preparation for the higher positions? The waiting period then is likely a training and maturing period in preparation for your promise

Keep your focus on Jesus and not the issue-All battles belong to our Lord. Keeping our focus on Jesus is a form of surrender; telling the Lord we have submitted the issue to Him; trusting He will bring forth the deliverables!

Remember, there comes the fullness of time – In the fullness of time Isaac was born, in the fullness of time Jesus was born! Some delays are a result of God waiting for the appointed time, the right timing. At the appointed time, I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son. “Genesis 18:14

In the fullness of time, at the appointed time, your answer is coming. Stay Consistent