“Journeys with God”; that should have been the befitting title for this blog, LOL. But seriously, there are times in our walk with God when we feel that God is silent. You may be there right now. God is not mad at you. You have done “nothing wrong”. Take courage God has already responded to your need behind the scenes.

Isaiah 46:10-I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’

Why should I be convinced of this? Because as the Alpha and Omega God, He normally sees the end from the beginning. In fact, He says, before you were born, He knew you and had plans lined out for you including the plan for what you think He is in silent about!

TIMING- Since He knows the end from the time you asked Him, God may be waiting for the right timing to release the answer to you. The Bible has multiple accounts that say “at the appointed time” or “when the time came”. At the appointed time, He will release the answer

FAITH-I believe we are or have been in a prolonged season of FAITH DEVELOPMENT. In fact, I would call it STRETCHED faith development. Where God wants us to TRUST HIM FOR AND IN EVERYTHING. This involves staying in sustained faith, constantly believing the promises related to the answer you are waiting for. I may also call it CONTENTIOUS FAITH, where you are not backing down no matter the contrary around you. In contentious faith, you know and are firm that God will deliver. With that your mind, soul emotions and spirit must align to that promise.

PROMOTION- God may delay the answer to mature you for the next level of promotion. This comes with internal searching of motives and intents of that prayer request. It also comes with character development; being sharpened by the Lord.

This week, wipe your tears. Let go your frustrations. God sees your tears, He sees the sincerity of your heart. God is not mad at you. Endure the process. Stand on these two promises; (1) The One Who can turn 1000 years in one day has heard your prayers. 2 Peter 3:8 (2) The God sees the end from the beginning has already released your answer behind the scenes.