In you are in the mid-west or mid-Atlantic region it can be difficult to imagine that better weather is coming. Temperatures a frigid right now, one would wish for the heat wave. While winter stays true to itself, say hopeful that spring and summer are on the way. Stay hopeful that what God said will come to pass

Stay hopeful that God has heard your prayers. Stay hopeful that the marriage will work out. Stay hopeful that the runaway child will return home. Stay hopeful that you will get the right job. Stay hopeful that your breakthrough will come through.

I have come to learn that Unbelief is the number one enemy to a believer, followed by Satan. Fear, anxiety, insecurity, pride, arrogance, compromise, settling for second best, manipulation, control, witchcraft , jealousy, strife, anger, gossip, slander, rationalization and self -dependence, all stem from unbelief

Unbelief is what caused the Israelites to delay entering the promise land. Unbelief is what causes us to miss resting in Jesus; yes-we can rest in peace while still alive here on earth. This happens when we come to total surrender in Jesus, embracing His love and allowing the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

This week, take time to evaluate any issue that triggers, fear, faith, anger or anything that causes you to act contrary, examine your fruits (actions and words), could it be unbelief? If so fight it with this Scripture in mind as long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night Genesis 8:22. God will bring you the expected outcome, only trust Him. Jeremiah 29:11