Spiritual retreats are integral part of our journey as believers. They are often recommended to allow us to recharge, refocus and refresh. We often return from these retreats, energized ready to face life. However with time, we tend to get tired again, relapse and want to head out for another retreat. My encouragement to you this week is that you can have an endless prayer mountain experience right now, wherever you are.

I do not refute the need to go to mountains to pray or take breaks for retreat; it is my hope these are not the only ways you can stay refreshed in the Lord. Prayer is an area that most believers struggle with; yet it also the most potent arsenal for a believer.

To stay recharged and refreshed, consider the following:
*Review your daily routines and identify two slots of time that you can dedicate to reading the Bible, Praying and Listening to God
*Start small, may be with just 15 minutes when you wake up , and 15 minutes before you go to bed
*You can break the 15 minutes, into, 5 minutes Bible Reading, 5 minutes, 5 minutes keeping quiet and listening to God
*Always have a journal next to write what you sense God may be telling. It may come as a thought, or a song or a vison
*You may also consider praying for different things on different days of the week. For example, Mondays are dedicated to praying for work, Tuesdays- your marriage, Wednesdays-Kids, Thursdays-Ministry, Fridays-finances, Saturdays- Thanksgiving for what God has done, Sundays-praying for what God showed you throughout the week in your journal
*If praying for specific issues, always identify a Scripture that aligns to that issue and use the Scripture in prayer
*If filled with the spiritual gift of tongues (prayer language) pray more in the Spirit, in fact press to pray more in that. This is partnership with the Holy Spirit interceding  for you. See Romans 8:26-27

Consistency is the key to success in most areas of our lives. This applies to our walk with God too. As you continue in prayer, you will notice that your commitment to prayer will start to enhance you spiritually. You may notice that you are praying more with ease, God in turn will respond to your prayers.

This week, BE THE PRAYER MOUNTAIN. Start your own retreat where you are. The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth (Psalm 145:18.) Oh GOD who hear prayer, To GOD all men come. (Psalm 65.2)