This week’s blog is a continuation of last week’s. You may recall, last week we spoke about speed bumps-the bumps of life. Bumps are what we must climb over to get to our destination (purpose or goals). Like speed bumps, we cannot remove the bumps or bypass them, often there are no shoulder spaces for bumps. We must just obey the speed limits and drive over them while remaining focused on the goal.

Unlike bumps, barricades though must be dealt with directly. They require physical action-removing them to proceed. Some may require changing the course/route As believers though, we face spiritual barricades. They may include false beliefs, negativity, wrong perception, spiritual attacks. Review the following types of barricades. Can you identify with any of them?

Barricades-These are obstacles. Their placements always demand a detour; some long route that takes you in the backroads of places you never knew existed in your neighborhood. If you know you need to be on other side of the road to your goal, such barricades are to be removed, torn down and destroyed while still maintaining focus on the road. This too requires staying on the road and keeping your eyes focused on the destination

Barricades Type-2- This occurs when God shuts the door. He ends what you are familiar with or stops you while you are on road forcing you to take a detour so that you can learn some new things. If you pass God’s training, you will resume the journey. If do not, you will repeat the training.

Barricade Type-3 God may also place a barricade to protect you if He sees you have not matured yet to attain that goal. OR

Barricade Type 4– He may place barricades as He waits to for the RIGHT TIMING to advance you. The story of Joseph in the Bible is a good example

We are in a season where God is ASCENDING the Church. This means we are moving upwards spiritually, naturally and emotionally. Picture that you are climbing a mountain and you need to reach the submit for the gold medal. What are you currently facing? A Bump or a Barricade. If a Barricade, what Type? OR are you back on the road?

Either way this week-Fight the good fight of faith like a good solder. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer. Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules.2 Timothy 3b-4