Human nature tends to criticize or point fingers to areas of inadequacies or lack. Ministries and churches get brunt of these based on peoples’ needs. Likewise, people may be hard on themselves because of the weakness they have. My encouragement to you this week is to ASK GOD TO FIX THAT WEAK SPOT!

As believers, we are in the process of being perfected slowly by slowly. Final perfection will come in eternity with Jesus. Consider that any stage of life is a process of being perfected. So is the Church, so is the ministry, so are the pastors. So, should you see a weak area in your church, or an area that is lacking- (1) pray and ask God to grow and mature that area; whether it is in a department or person. (2) Second ask God for what you can do to improve that area. It may be an idea, a recommendation or personal involvement. (3) The next step is to share those ideas or recommendations respectfully with the church leaders, person or leader.

Don’t be quick to critizing, judge, or point fingers at the weakness of others. Avoid sabotaging or holding others siege with demands because of your discontent. If you are convinced that you need to move on, do so respectively. There is a way of ending relationships respectively and in love. Avoid getting involved in unproductive rumors or spreading your discontent about the person, church, ministry or minister.

You see the weak spot is a like as seed. Naturally, seeds are fragile. They can be squashed, trampled on or destroyed. When sown in fertile soil, these same seeds thrive. You are that fertile soil. Fertile means, tilted, fertilized, mature, nourished; made ready to nurture the seed to maturity. You are that fertile soil. You are the temple of the Lord; you are God’s righteous, a holy nation, a peculiar person, filled with the Holy Spirit, equipped and called to great works-refined regularly and transformed from glory to glory.  Surrender that weak area to the Lord. Surrendering the weak area is like placing the seed in the soil. So, submit the weak area to the mighty God who now lives in you!

Personally, if you have an area of weakness, don’t beat yourself either. Commit that area to the Lord also. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit- “Holy Spirit expose and show me how to improve this area. Holy Spirit, breath, water, grow this spot”. Luke 11:11 says that God will not give you stone if you ask for bread. God is faithful, when we ask He responds. God grants the desires of a pure heart. God’s grace is perfect for weaknesses!

Don’t give up, don’t leave, don’t quit yet- ask God to fix that weak spot. The Lord will perfect that which concerns you. Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands. Psalm 138:8