Can a Christian UNKNOWINGLY pray demonic prayers?

A fellow believer sent me the above question; I think it’s a great question that others can benefit from. Some factors influencing prayer are the motive or reason for praying, wrong teaching or doctrinal perspective, and lack of knowledge (ignorance).

The motive-The motive of one’s heart can influence the type of prayer if the motive is wrong. For example, praying out of selfishness, jealousy, bitterness, and unforgiveness

Reason for praying- This is specific to wanting revenge against someone, for instance, if wronged, praying that something terrible happens to the person or returning the “curse to the person.” So when believers pray negatively against a person-they are unknowingly cursing the person. The devil may use the exact words in prayer to afflict the person. Whereas the believer may rejoice that prayer was answered; they cursed the person. Such prayers are called “charismatic witchcraft prayers.”

A minister once shared that they used prayers to bind the girl he was interested in and not to marry anyone else; this type of prayer can be considered charismatic witchcraft. Any prayer that demands the conditions of a party falls in this category- this also applies to churches or ministries when members want to usurp the leader’s authority. 

Wrong teachings/perspectives– Prayers asking someone to experience a negative experience to return to God, such as “frustrate them until they receive salvation,” are negative prayers. Such prayers can be categorized in point (b) above

Lack of Knowledge (ignorance)- Believers can unknowingly pray demonic prayers and participate in ritualist practices unknowingly. Such prayers are camouflaged occultic prayers. Examples are chants before yoga, sorority clubs, new-age events, mantras, etc. Another common is that prayers are related to astrology, Zodiac/horoscopes). Prayers such as “call on your star,” “call on the sun,” and “call on your angel” are highly demonic!

I once attended a church where the prayer leader instructed attendees to call on your star”, “call on the sun.” I switched immediately to pray in the spiritual language as this went on. When I confronted the pastor about calling on celestial beings, the pastor responded that Jesus had a star that guided the magi- this reason is erroneous, taken out of context, and unscriptural. But it is commonly justified for “calling on your star prayers.” All prayers should be directed to God!

Occult -Lastly, if a person is under the influence of a demon or in witchcraft, they can pray demonic prayers. Most of these often manifest as “false tongues.”

Can a Christian UNKNOWINGLY pray demonic prayers; the answer is yes. Words are very powerful in both the natural and the spiritual world. I encourage believers first to invite the Holy Spirit in their prayers. Then, pray with Him and through Him. The Holy Spirit will help you sift through many things. Next, read the Bible, and stay grounded in Scripture. Use Scripture for prayer; the Bible has many promises that can be used for any situation. If unsure, pray first in understanding (your native language, English, Spanish); then pray more in the language of the Holy Spirit (tongues) if you have this gift. Prayers are more effective when we pray with and in the Spirit (Rom 8:26, Eph 5:18-19, James 5:13-15, 1 Cor 14:39b). Lastly, read books on prayer.