While  reflecting on the Gospel of Jesus, I noticed that the evidence of Jesus ministry were action packed. Jesus not only taught but He lived what He taught; See all Gospels from Matthew to Acts. If Jesus taught about prayer- He is recorded to be secluding Himself to pray. If He taught about obedience- He is recorded to have done only what He saw His Father do. If He taught about mercy and compassion, He, fed, healed and delivered many.

Then I thought, as believers, what is our sign language. Commonly sign language is associated with motion and action. Speaking and acting out often concurrently What if each believer took that approach? That we read the Word, speak or teach it but also act it out.

Loving God would then mean loving one another through our actions i.e., respect, honor, truthfulness, accountability, authenticity, being genuine. It would mean tolerating one’s weakness while lovingly supporting them. It would mean taking time to understand one another instead of being quick to judge or criticize. Our sign language as believers would mean, willing to stay unrecognized while we advance another. Our Sign language will include supporting a difficult person even when we know that their success will be in bits; while staying committed to seeing them through. It would include obeying and trusting God even when you do not understand; but just doing because He said so.

Acts 11:26- The disciples were first called Christians at Antioch. This is the early church. Were their actions so Christ like? Was there life so action-packed so much so like the Christ beyond just confessed that they were labelled Christians? They must have been doers of the Word.

This week, purpose to have an action-packed Christ language. Consider the application of sign-language which is motion or action. Let us act Christ out, Let us act the Word out. Let us be the Christ people can see and point to – THEY MUST BE CHRISTIANS!