Most are familiar with the teachings of Jesus to be good to your enemy, turn the other cheek or even to bless your enemy rather than curse. These are easier said than done especially if the betrayal or the hurt is too deep and too close. However; have you ever thought that by blessing the enemy, blessings are released in your favor instead?

There are two examples that I would like to highlight in this week’s blog. The first example is Job’s. In Job 42:7-8 we see God directing Job’s friends to go to him for prayer. These were the three friends who had judged Job harshly citing that Job’s affliction were tied to his sins.  Verse 10 of the same chapter says that “the Lord restored Job after he prayed for his friends”

Can you imagine turning around to bless someone who has just offended, hurt or betrayed you? Learning from Job, what did that blessing look like? Blessing your offender requires another level of humility and surrender! God may require you to: forgive your offender, pray for them, wish them well, meet their need or offer to help the one who had just hurt you. I believe this is what it means to throw hot coals through these good deeds to your enemy; Proverbs 25:21-22 and Romans 12:19-20

As you bless your enemy, God will restore what the same enemy took. God will restore with plenty, see Job 42:10-12. In 2 Kings 6:8-22, we see Elisha leading the Syrian army that had come to fight Israel to Israel’s camp. Once in Israel’s camp the King asked Elisha whether he would attack them. This is a normal reaction, at times we just want to retaliate in return, but no Elijah instructed the King to feed his enemies. The outcome was “the Syrian raiders came no more into the land of Israel”

Could it be that the answer to your prayers, your breakthrough is right at the door waiting for you to forgive someone, to be merciful to someone, to extend a hand to someone, to release someone or something. Think about it this week.

When God restores, He does so exceeding, abundantly, above all we ask of think; with running over overflow, with double the measure, with great things!

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