It is not necessarily true that “high levels equal high devils,” at times, the warfare we face as we advance are opportunities God allows to groom and mature us for those high levels of promotions. So casting them out and blaming satan for them would be ineffective; we would be resisting the development, processes, and growth opportunities God is using to mold us to fit those advanced levels. Have you been fighting God? If the answer is yes, the solution is easy. Repent and submit to God’s molding.

Second, the higher devils may not be higher devils; as God prepares us for advancement, He may also expose hidden things in us that are in the way of the success ahead. So what we call high devils could be hidden hindrances that have stayed masked for years or even generations. So while we think we are fighting high devils, we could just be dealing with “old devils” that God wants us to subdue and cast out to clear the path to your promotion. Has the Holy Spirit unearthed some things that He wants to help you deal with? If the answer is yes, continue to ask the Holy Spirit to expose all hidden things. Ask Him to “unclog you” so that He the Holy Spirit can flow freely and prepare you for the next level. Also, be courageous-seek inner healing or deliverance ministry if need be.

Lastly, the high devils could be the territorial spirits in your next promotion level. As we see with Moses and Joshua, God does not send us to territories without strategies for territorial spirits. With every assigned territory, physical or spiritual promotion, God will give you what to use and how to confront those giants (see. Exodus 14, Exodus 17:8-16, and Joshua 6). So when we advance, we do so with the backing of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I hope you can see that in all three scenarios, God is involved, and He is willing you to see through to a great success according to Jeremiah 29:11. When you face warfare, ask the Holy Spirit its source and how to deal with it. Remember that greater is He in you than He that is the world. Remember also that You are in Christ; in Him, we live, move, and have our being (Acts 17:28). So advance with God, not the devil!